Sunday, February 5, 2012

Extra support for a child with Down syndrome

We know the importance of reaching out to our children and their individual needs and interests. J attends a weekly playgroup for families that have adopted African-American children. We feel it is essential for our girls to see others that look like them, and who have families similar to theirs. J also helps to organize a Marshall Island adoption reunion each summer. People from all over the world come. Again, it is a way for our children to connect with their culture, and to be reminded that their differences are strengths!

In January 2011 J set up a yahoo group for Utah families that have been touched by Down syndrome. It is a wonderful group and resource. It is so wonderful to be able to go to a group of people who have experience. It is very helpful to be able to ask them questions as they arise. We truly learn from each other. J has learned of many services available to those with Down syndrome from the members of this group. We enjoy getting together and letting the kids play. We have had a couple of mom’s night out. We plan to have panels, family activities, music class, and more.

We also participate in activities sponsored by the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation. They provide outreach, training, counseling, support, education, and information for us as well. As with the yahoo group we share experiences, challenges, goals and dreams.

When we as parents gain knowledge, we are empowered to become better advocates for our children, thus providing them with increased opportunities to reach their highest potential.

Our church also advocates for those with disabilities. You can see what resources they offer within the church for those with disabilities. They work hard to ensure that every member in the church has their needs met and are treated equally.


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